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Libros seleccionados por
Frithjof Schuon

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Fondo documental sobre la vida y las enseñanzas
de Frithjof Schuon
• Entrevistas con Frithjof Schuon
• Pases de diapositivas
Entrevistas con Frithjof Schuon Interviews: 6

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Clip Title: Beauty
Summary: Frithjof Schuon speaks about the importance of beauty in every aspect of one's life.
Total Running Time - 59 seconds
Low Res File Size - 2.9M
High Res File Size - 5.1M
 Resumen de cada entrevista
Page: of 2 pages  

Esoteric Islam

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Frithjof Schuon discusses esoteric and exoteric Islam.
Total Running Time - 38 seconds
Low Res File Size - 1.8M
High Res File Size - 3.2M
Perennial Framework

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Frithjof Schuon discusses his philosophy, the transcendent unity of religions, the meaning of religion and the need for metaphysical truth.
Total Running Time - 3 minutes
Low Res File Size - 8.7M
High Res File Size - 15.2M
Transcendent Unity

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Frithjof Schuon discusses the Transcendent Unity of religions and the Religio Perennis.
Total Running Time - 2 minutes 13 seconds
Low Res File Size - 6.2M
High Res File Size - 11M
Indian Qualities

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Frithjof Schuon speaks about the qualities he admires in the American Indian culture and spirituality.
Total Running Time - 3 Minutes 13 seconds
Low Res File Size - 9.1M
High Res File Size - 16.2M
Essential Philosophy

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Frithjof Schuon discusses his essential philosophy.
Total Running Time - 2 minutes 43 seconds
Low Res File Size - 7.6M
High Res File Size - 13.6M

Pases de diapositivas Slideshows: 2

This slideshow is a transcript of a 1995 interview with Frithjof Schuon. Each slide deals with a different question on or aspect of the principle of "the transcendent unity of religions," which was also the title of an influential book by Schuon.
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Art
In this transcript of a 1995 interview, Schuon answers questions on his interest in Plains Indians, on the sense of the Absolute, and on the idea of primordiality.
Interview with Frithjof Schuon - on Primordiality

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