The single year shown below indicates the year in which the first edition was published. Further editions are listed under the section "Comprehensive bibliography of all books" found below.
Further editions are listed under the section "Comprehensive bibliography of all books" just below.
Archivist’s Note:
In accordance with Schuon’s preference we have not listed either Dimensions of Islam or Islam and the Perennial Philosophy among his English-language books. “My doctrinal message is in my French books and their translations. It is only indirectly and imperfectly in the English compilations Dimensions of Islam and Islam and the Perennial Philosophy, which were produced for contingent reasons and do not correspond to my intentions” (personal paper, “Remarks on the Appendix”, quoted in Frithjof Schuon: Life and Teachings, p. 178). The contents of these two compilations can be found within one or another of Schuon’s “French books and their translations”. For further information see section below “Chapter locations for out of print books”.
• Translated into French as: Méditation primordiale : la conception du vrai, Sottens, Les Sept Flèches, 2008.
• Translated into English as: Primordial Meditation: Contemplating the Real, London, Matheson Trust, 2015.
• The Transcendent Unity of Religions, London, Faber & Faber, 1953; New York, Harper & Row, 1975; Wheaton (Illinois), The Theosophical Publishing House, 1993.
• De la unidad transcendente de las religiones, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Anaconda, 1949; Madrid, Ediciones Heliodoro, 1980; new edition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2004.
• De l’Unità trascendente delle religione, Bari, Gius, La terza & Figli, 1949 (new translation as Unita trascendente..., Rome, Editione Mediterranae, 1953).
• Da Unidade transcendente das religiones, Sao Paulo, Livraria MartinsEditora, 1953.
• Von der Inneren Einheit der Religionen, Ansata, Interlaken, 1981; Frankfurt, Hans J. Maurer, 2007.
• The Eye of the Heart, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1997; new translation with selected letters, 2021.
• El ojo del corazón, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.
• Spiritual Perspectives and Human Facts, London, Faber & Faber, 1954; new revised edition, Bedfont, Perennial Books, 1987; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2007.
• Perspectivas espirituales y hechos humanos, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.
• Geistige Sichtweisen und menschliche Tatsachen, Hamburg, tredition, 2014.
• Gnosis—Divine Wisdom, London, John Murray, 1959; London, Perennial Books, 1978, 1990; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.
• Senderos de Gnosis, José J. de Olañeta, Mallorca, Editor, 2002.
• Gnosis – Göttliche Weisheit, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.
• Castes and Races, London, Perennial Books, 1959, 1982.
• Castas y Razas, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1983.
• Stations of Wisdom, London, John Murray, 1961; London, Perennial Books, 1978; new edition, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1995, 2003.
• La Stazioni della saggetta, Rome, Edizioni Mediterranae, 1981.
• Las estaciones de la sabiduría, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.
• Imágenes del Espíritu: Shinto, Budismo, Yoga, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.
• Understanding Islam, London, Allen & Unwin, 1963; Baltimore, PenguinBooks, 1972; revised translation, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1994, 1997; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2011.
• Comprendere l’Islam, Milano, Archè, 1976.
• Comprender el Islam, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1987.
• Hatta nafham al-islam, (Arabic), Beirut, 1980.
• Den Islam verstehen, Munich, O.W. Barth, 1991.
• Light on the Ancient Worlds, London, Perennial Books, 1965; Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1984; new translation with selected letters, 2006.
• Miradas a los mundos antiguos, Madrid, Taurus Ediciones, 1980; new edition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2004.
• Logic and Transcendence, New York, Harper & Row, 1975; London, Perennial Books, 1984; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2009.
• Der Mensch und die Gewissheit, Stuttgart, Edition Axel Menges, 1996.
• Logica y transcendencia, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.
• Logik und Transzendenz, Hamburg, tredition, 2013.
• Form and Substance in the Religions, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2002.
• Forma y substancia en las religiones, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor,1998.
• Form und Gehalt in den Religionen, Hamburg, tredition, 2017.
• Esoterism as Principle and as Way, London, Perennial Books, 1981; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2020.
• El esoterismo como principio y como vía, Madrid, Taurus Ediciones, 1982; new edition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.
• Esoterik als Grundsatz und als Weg, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.
• Sufism, Veil and Quintessence, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1981; new translation with selected letters, 2006.
• El sufismo, velo y quintaesencia, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000, 2002.
• From the Divine to the Human, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1982; new translation with selected letters, 2014.
• De lo Divino a lo humano, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1982.
• Vom Göttlichen zum Menschlichen, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.
• Christianity/Islam—Essays on Esoteric Ecumenism, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1985; new translation with selected letters, 2008.
• Cristianismo—Islam. Visiones de ecumenismo esotérico, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.
• Christentum - Islam: Ausblicke auf eine esoterisch Ökumene, Hamburg, tredition, 2018.
• Tras las huellas de la religión perenne, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1982.
• In the Face of the Absolute, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1989; new translation with selected letters, 2014.
• Aproximaciones al fenómeno religioso, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.
• Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1986. (including Sur les traces de la Religion pérenne.)
• Resumen de metafísica integral, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.
• Metaphysik und Esoterik im Überblick, Hamburg, tredition, 2013.
• To Have a Center, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1990; new translation with selected letters, 2015.
• Tener un centro, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.
• Roots of the Human Condition, Bloomington, World WisdomBooks, 1991; second edition, 2002.
• Raíces de la condición humana, Madrid, Grupo Libro, 1995; new edition,Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2002.
• El sol emplumado. Los indios de las Praderas a través del arte y la filosofía, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1992.
• Il Sole Piumato: Religione e Arte degli Indiani delle Praterie, Roma, Edizione Mediterranee, 2000.
• Le Soleil de Plumes - Art, Symbolisme et Philosophie chez les Indiens des Plaines, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2021.
• Echoes of Perennial Wisdom, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1992; new translation with selected letters, ed. Patrick Casey, 2012.
• Las Perlas del Peregrino, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1990.
• The Play of Masks, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1992.
• El juego de las máscaras, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.
• Das Spiel der Masken, Hamburg, tredition, 2018.
• Trésors du Bouddhisme, Falicon, Nataraj, 1997, 1999.
• Tesoros del budismo, Barcelona, Paidós, 1998.
• The Transfiguration of Man, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1995.
• La transfiguración del hombre, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.
Edited Writings of Frithjof Schuon (published after 1998)
• La plénitude de Dieu : christianisme et sagesse pérenne, ed. James Cutsinger, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2020.
• Towards the Essential: Letters of a Spiritual Master, ed. Thierry Béguelin, London, Matheson Trust, 2021.
Islam and the Perennial Philosophy
Dimensions of Islam