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Livres sélectionnés écrits
par Frithjof Schuon

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Fonds documentaire sur la vie et l'enseignement
de Frithjof Schuon
 6 Paintings Back to Art Gallery

For Personal Usage Only
Title: Sketch of a disciple of Shaykh al-‘Alawî
Year: 1934
Description: This sketch by Frithjof Schuon is of a noted disciple of the great Algerian Sufi master, the Shaykh al-‘Alawî. Schuon spent some time near the great Sufi master and met this disciple during that time. The sketch is dated 1934, the year that the Shaykh al-‘Alawî died. On the reverse of the sketch, Schuon wrote: “[This is] Sidi Abdallah, a Sufi, whom I met a short while ago. He knows the Sheikh [al-‘Alawî] and is a very wise man. He knows French, which is very rare among Arabs of his background. I am meeting with him every week.”
Category: Art of the Islamic World

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