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Livres sélectionnés écrits
par Frithjof Schuon

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Fonds documentaire sur la vie et l'enseignement
de Frithjof Schuon
• Livres dans leur langue d'origine
• Références bibliographiques
• Articles divers
Livres dans leur langue d'origine

  Écrits en français
  • De Quelques aspects de l’Islam (1935)
  • De l’Unité transcendante des religions (1948)
  • L’Oeil du cœur (1950)
  • Perspectives spirituelles et faits humains (1953)
  • Sentiers de gnose (1957)
  • Castes et races (1957)
  • Les Stations de la sagesse (1958)
  • Images de l’Esprit (1961)
  • Comprendre l’Islam (1961)
  • Regards sur les mondes anciens (1968)
  • Logique et transcendance (1970)
  • Forme et substance dans les religions (1975)
  • L’Ésotérisme comme principe et comme voie (1978)
  • Le Soufisme, voile et quintessence (1980)
  • Christianisme/Islam: visions d’oecuménisme ésotérique (1981)
  • Du Divin à l’humain (1981)
  • Sur les traces de la Religion pérenne (1982)
  • Approches du phénomène religieux (1984)
  • Résumé de métaphysique intégrale (1985)
  • Avoir un centre (1988)
  • Racines de la condition humaine (1990)
  • Les Perles du pèlerin (1991)
  • Le Jeu des Masques (1992)
  • La Transfiguration de l’Homme (1995)

Écrits en allemand

  • Das Denken des Eigentlichen (Leitgedanken zur Urbesinnung) (1935)
  • Sulamith (1947)
  • Tage-und Nächtebuch (1947)
  • Von der inneren Einheit der Religionen – author’s translation (1979)
  • Adastra & Stella Maris (2001)
  • Herbstblätter & Der Ring (2002)
  • Lieder ohne Nahmen I, II, III (2002)
  • Lieder ohne Nahmen IV, V (2003)
  • Lieder ohne Nahmen VI, VII (2003)
  • Lieder ohne Nahmen VIII, IX, X (2004)
  • Lieder ohne Nahmen XI, XII (2004)
  • Das Weltrad I, II (2004)
  • Das Weltrad III, IV, V (2005)
  • Das Weltrad VI, VII (2005)

Écrits ou compilés en anglais

  • Language of the Self (1959)
  • Treasures of Buddhism (In the Tracks of Buddhism) (1968)
  • The Feathered Sun: Plains Indians in Art and Philosophy (1990)
  • Echoes of Perennial Wisdom (1992)
  • Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty (1992)
  • Road to the Heart: Poems (1995)

Références bibliographiques

Mise à jour: juin 2023.


  • Leitgedanken zur Urbesinnung, Zurich and Leipzig, Orell Füssli Verlag, 1935; second edition as Urbesinnung—Das Denken des Eigentlichen, Freiburg im Breisgau, Aurum Verlag, 1989.


    •  Traduit en français par: Méditation primordiale : la conception du vrai, Sottens, Les Sept Flèches, 2008.

    •  Translated into English as: Primordial Meditation: Contemplating the Real, London, Matheson Trust, 2015.

  • De quelques aspects de l'islam, Paris, Chacornac, 1935.
  • De L’Unité transcendante des religions, Paris, Gallimard, 1948, 1958; édition révisée, Paris, Le Seuil, 1979; Paris, Sulliver, 2000; Paris, L'Harmattan, 2014.


    •  The Transcendent Unity of Religions, London, Faber & Faber, 1953; New York, Harper & Row, 1975; Wheaton (Illinois), The Theosophical Publishing House, 1993.

    •  De la unidad transcendente de las religiones, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Anaconda, 1949; Madrid, Ediciones Heliodoro, 1980; nouvelle édition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2004.

    •  De l’Unità trascendente delle religione, Bari, Gius, La terza & Figli, 1949 (new translation as Unita trascendente..., Rome, Editione Mediterranae, 1953).

    •  Da Unidade transcendente das religiones, Sao Paulo, Livraria MartinsEditora, 1953.

    •  Von der Inneren Einheit der Religionen, Ansata, Interlaken, 1981; Frankfurt, Hans J. Maurer, 2007.

  • L’Oeil du coeur, Paris, Gallimard, 1950; nouvelle édition révisée, Paris, Dervy-Livres, 1974; Lausanne, L’Âge d’Homme, 2001; nouvelle édition augmentée de trois chapitres inédits, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2017.


    •  The Eye of the Heart, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1997; new translation with selected letters, 2021.

    •  El ojo del corazón, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.

  • Perspectives spirituelles et faits humains, Paris, Les Cahiers du Sud, 1953; Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 1989; Lausanne, L’Âge d’Homme, 2001; Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2020 (augmentée de lettres et de manuscrits inédits).


    •  Spiritual Perspectives and Human Facts, London, Faber & Faber, 1954; new revised edition, Bedfont, Perennial Books, 1987; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2007.

    •  Perspectivas espirituales y hechos humanos, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.

    •  Geistige Sichtweisen und menschliche Tatsachen, Hamburg, tredition, 2014.

  • Sentiers de gnose, Paris, La Colombe, 1957; Paris, La Place Royale, 1987, 1996 (révisée et corrigée).


    •  Gnosis—Divine Wisdom, London, John Murray, 1959; London, Perennial Books, 1978, 1990; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.

    •  Senderos de Gnosis, José J. de Olañeta, Mallorca, Editor, 2002.

    •  Gnosis – Göttliche Weisheit, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.

  • Castes et races, Lyon, Paul Derain, 1957; Milano, Archè, 1979.


    •  Castes and Races, London, Perennial Books, 1959, 1982.

    •  Castas y Razas, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1983.

  • Les Stations de la Sagesse, Paris, Buchet/Chastel, 1958; Paris, Maisonneuve &Larose, 1992; Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011.


    •  Stations of Wisdom, London, John Murray, 1961; London, Perennial Books, 1978; nouvelle édition, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1995, 2003.

    •  La Stazioni della saggetta, Rome, Edizioni Mediterranae, 1981.

    •  Las estaciones de la sabiduría, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.

  • Language of the Self, Madras, Ganesh, 1959; Bangalore, Select Books, 1998; Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1999.
  • Images de l'esprit : shinto, bouddhisme, yoga, Paris, Flammarion, 1961; rééditions : Le Courrier du Livre, 1982 ; Paris, L'Harmattan, 2021.


    •  Imágenes del Espíritu: Shinto, Budismo, Yoga, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.

  • Comprendre l’Islam, Paris, Gallimard, 1961; Paris, Le Seuil, 1976.


    •  Understanding Islam, London, Allen & Unwin, 1963; Baltimore, PenguinBooks, 1972; revised translation, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1994, 1997; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2011.

    •  Comprendere l’Islam, Milano, Archè, 1976.

    •  Comprender el Islam, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1987.

    •  Hatta nafham al-islam, (Arabic), Beirut, 1980.

    •  Den Islam verstehen, Munich, O.W. Barth, 1991.

  • Regards sur les mondes anciens, Paris, Editions Traditionnelles, 1968; rééditions : Falicon, Nataraj, 1997; Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 2017.


    •  Light on the Ancient Worlds, London, Perennial Books, 1965; Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1984; new translation with selected letters, 2006.

    •  Miradas a los mundos antiguos, Madrid, Taurus Ediciones, 1980; nouvelle édition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2004.

  • In the Tracks of Buddhism, London, Allen & Unwin, 1968.
  • Dimensions of Islam, London, Allen & Unwin, 1969.
  • Logique et transcendance, Paris, Editions Traditionnelles, 1970 ; réédition : Sulliver, 2007.


    •  Logic and Transcendence, New York, Harper & Row, 1975; London, Perennial Books, 1984; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2009.

    •  Der Mensch und die Gewissheit, Stuttgart, Edition Axel Menges, 1996.

    •  Logica y transcendencia, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.

    •  Logik und Transzendenz, Hamburg, tredition, 2013.

  • Das Ewige im Verganglichen, Weilheim, Oberbayern, Otto Wilhelm BarthVerlag, 1970.
  • Tidols Besinning I besinninglos Tid-ur Frithjof Schuon Werk, ed. K. Almquist, Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1973.
  • Forme et substance dans les religions, Paris, Dervy-Livres, 1975 ; réédition : Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012.


    •  Form and Substance in the Religions, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2002.

    •  Forma y substancia en las religiones, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor,1998.

    •  Form und Gehalt in den Religionen, Hamburg, tredition, 2017.

  • Islam and the Perennial Philosophy, London, World of Islam Publishing Co., 1976.
  • L’Esotérisme comme principe et comme voie, Paris, Dervy-Livres, 1978, 1997.


    •  Esoterism as Principle and as Way, London, Perennial Books, 1981; new translation with selected letters, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2020.

    •  El esoterismo como principio y como vía, Madrid, Taurus Ediciones, 1982; nouvelle édition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.

    •  Esoterik als Grundsatz und als Weg, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.

  • Le Soufisme voile et quintessence, Paris, Dervy-Livres, 1980, 2007.


    •  Sufism, Veil and Quintessence, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1981; new translation with selected letters, 2006.

    •  El sufismo, velo y quintaesencia, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000, 2002.

  • Du Divin à l’humain, Paris, Le Courrier du Livre, 1981; réédition : Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018.


    •  From the Divine to the Human, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1982; new translation with selected letters, 2014.

    •  De lo Divino a lo humano, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1982.

    •  Vom Göttlichen zum Menschlichen, Hamburg, tredition, 2015.

  • Christianisme/Islam: visions d’oecuménisme ésotérique, Milan, Archè, 1981.


    •  Christianity/Islam—Essays on Esoteric Ecumenism, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1985; new translation with selected letters, 2008.

    •  Cristianismo—Islam. Visiones de ecumenismo esotérico, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.

    •  Christentum - Islam: Ausblicke auf eine esoterisch Ökumene, Hamburg, tredition, 2018.

  • Sur les traces de la Religion pérenne, Paris, Le Courrier du Livre, 1982.


    •  Tras las huellas de la religión perenne, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1982.

  • Approches du phénomène religieux, Paris, Le Courrier du Livre, 1982; 1984 ; réédition : Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2020.


    •  In the Face of the Absolute, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1989; new translation with selected letters, 2014.

    •  Aproximaciones al fenómeno religioso, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.

  • Resumé de métaphysique intégrale, Paris, Le Courrier du Livre, 1985.


    •  Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1986. (including Sur les traces de la Religion pérenne.)

    •  Resumen de metafísica integral, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2000.

    •  Metaphysik und Esoterik im Überblick, Hamburg, tredition, 2013.

  • Avoir un centre, Paris, Maisonneuve, 1988; réédition : Paris, L'Harmattan, 2010.


    •  To Have a Center, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1990; new translation with selected letters, 2015.

    •  Tener un centro, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001.

  • Racines de la condition humaine, Paris, La Table Ronde, 1990; réédition : Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020.


    •  Roots of the Human Condition, Bloomington, World WisdomBooks, 1991; second edition, 2002.

    •  Raíces de la condición humana, Madrid, Grupo Libro, 1995; nouvelle édition, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2002.

  • The Feathered Sun—Plains Indians in Art and Philosophy, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1990, 2003.


    •  El sol emplumado. Los indios de las Praderas a través del arte y la filosofía, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1992.

    •  Il Sole Piumato: Religione e Arte degli Indiani delle Praterie, Roma, Edizione Mediterranee, 2000.

    •  Le Soleil de Plumes - Art, Symbolisme et Philosophie chez les Indiens des Plaines, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2021.

  • Les Perles du pèlerin, Paris, Le Seuil, 1991.


    •  Echoes of Perennial Wisdom, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1992; new translation with selected letters, ed. Patrick Casey, 2012.

    •  Las Perlas del Peregrino, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 1990.

  • Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty, Bloomington (Indiana), Abodes, 1992.
  • Le Jeu des Masques, Lausanne, L’Âge d’Homme, 1992.


    •  The Play of Masks, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1992.

    •  El juego de las máscaras, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.

    •  Das Spiel der Masken, Hamburg, tredition, 2018.

  • Treasures of Buddhism, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1993; new translation with selected letters, 2018.


    •  Trésors du Bouddhisme, Falicon, Nataraj, 1997, 1999.

    •  Tesoros del budismo, Barcelona, Paidós, 1998.

  • La Transfiguration de l’ Homme, Paris, Maisonneuve Larose, 1995.


    •  The Transfiguration of Man, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1995.

    •  La transfiguración del hombre, Mallorca, José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2003.


  • Sulamith (en langue originale allemande), Bern: Urs Graf Verlag, 1947.
  • Tage- und Nächtebuch (en langue originale allemande), Bern: Urs Graf Verlag, 1947.
  • The Garland, Bloomington, Abodes Inc., 1994.
  • Road to the Heart, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 1995.
  • Liebe / Leben / Glück / Sinn (en langue originale allemande), 4 vol., Freiburg, Verlag Herder, 1997.
  • Poésies didactiques (en langue originale allemande accompagnées de traductions françaises) (vol 1-10), Sottens, Les Sept Flèches, 2001.
  • Songs for a Spiritual Traveler: Selected Poems, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2002.
  • Adastra & Stella Maris: Poems by Frithjof Schuon, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2003.
  • Songs without Names, Volumes I-VI, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.
  • Songs without Names, Volumes VII-XII, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.
  • World Wheel, Volumes I-III, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.
  • World Wheel, Volumes IV-VII, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2006.

Compilations d'écrits de Frithjof Schuon

  • The Essential Writings of Frithjof Schuon, ed. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, New York, Amity House, 1986.
  • The Fullness of God: Frithjof Schuon on Christianity, ed. James S. Cutsinger, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2004.


    •  La plénitude de Dieu : christianisme et sagesse pérenne, ed. James Cutsinger, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2020.

  • Prayer Fashions Man: Frithjof Schuon on the Spiritual Life, ed. James S. Cutsinger, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2005.
  • Art from the Sacred to the Profane: East and West, ed. Catherine Schuon, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2007.
  • Vers l'Essentiel : lettres d'un maître spirituel, ed. Thierry Béguelin, Les Sept Flèches, 2013.


    •  Towards the Essential: Letters of a Spiritual Master, ed. Thierry Béguelin, London, Matheson Trust, 2021.

  • De tout cœur et en l'esprit : choix de lettres d'un maître spirituel, ed. Ghislain Chetan, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015.
  • La conscience de l'Absolu : aphorismes et enseignements spirituels, ed. Thierry Béguelin, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2016.
  • Par “l'amour qui meut le soleil et les autres étoiles” : méditations et notes de voyage, ed. Ghislain Chetan, Lagorce, Hozhoni, 2018.
  • Letters of Frithjof Schuon: Reflections on the Perennial Philosophy, ed. Michael Oren Fitzgerald and Catherine Schuon, Bloomington, World Wisdom, 2022.
  • En route vers l'autre rive: La vieillesse, la mort et les états posthumes, ed. Ghislain Chetan, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2023.

Articles divers

As has been noted by multiple printed and electronic bibliographies, Frithjof Schuon published in the range of 170 articles in various journals. The great majority of these articles were later incorporated by Schuon into his published books. Most articles were incorporated in their entirety as a chapter in a book, at times under a new title and/or with minor modifications; others articles were partially incorporated into one or more book chapters[1] .Using approximate figures, out of 170 articles, only 20 were not incorporated into Schuon’s published books.

In order to dispel persistent confusion regarding this fact, those few unincorporated articles are identified below.

It is important, however, to stress that in the author’s view it is his books that constitute his message, and not his journal articles that he never incorporated into his books, nor his articles as they existed before they were incorporated into his books. The following unincorporated articles may, be of some incidental interest to the reader who is already well versed in Schuon’s essential oeuvre, but they are in no way needed for an appreciation of his message.

[1] An example is the article “D l’Alliance” (Études Traditionnelles, June, 1940), which is partially incorporated into the chapters “Christianity and Islam” and “Limits of Religious Expansion” in The Transcendent Unity of Religions, and into the chapter “The Impossible Convergence” in The Transfiguration of Man.

Articles unpublished in books during Schuon’s life and that remain unpublished in books

1) "Réflexions sur le symbolisme de la pyramide", Voile d’Isis, February, 1933.
2) "La demonstration des voies" (notice explicative), Voile d’Isis, August-September, 1934.
3) "Poèmes soufis de Mohyiddin Ibn Arabi", translation and notes by Frithjof Schuon, Voile d’Isis, August-September, 1934.
5) "Rahima-hu ’Llah" (on the Shaikh a1-‘Alawi), Cahiers du Sud, (Paris) (Marseille), August-September, 1935; partially published in A Moslem Saint of the Twentieth Century (George Allen & Unwin, 1961)/A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century (University of California Press, 1971).
6) "Ed-Din", Études Traditionnelles, March, 1936.
7) "La Vierge noire de Czenstochowa", Études Traditionnelles, May, 1940.
8) "The Three Dimensions of Sufism", Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 10, No.1, Winter, 1976.
9) "Il n’y a pas de droit sacré à l’absurdité", Études Traditionnelles, April-June, 1978.
10) "A Belated but Still Timely Word about the Encycical ‘Populorum Progresio’", Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 &2, Winter-Spring, 1978.
11) "A propos de quelques critiques", (de l’œuvre de René Guénon), Études Traditionnelles, October-December, 1984 (feuillet complémentaire).
12) "A propos d’une image" (de René Guénon), Études Traditionnelles, October-December, 1984 (feuillet complémentaire).

Articles unpublished in books during Schuon’s life and subsequently published, partially or entirely, in books

1) "Considération générales sur les fonctions spirituelles", Études Traditionnelles, November-December, 1939; published as "General Considerations on Spiritual Functions" in Frithjof Schuon: Life and Teachings, SUNY, 2004.
2) "Communion et Invocation", Études Traditionnelles, May, 1940; published as "Communion and Invocation" in Pray Without Ceasing, World Wisdom, 2006.
3) "L’Oeuvre" (de René Guénon), Études Traditionnelles, July-November, 1951; also published as "Définitions (en ce qui concerne René Guénon)", France-Asie (Saïgon), January, 1953; "René Guénon: Definitions", Sophia, Vol. 1, No.2, Winter, 1995; and as "René Guénon: definitions" in René Guénon: Some Obsertations, Sophia Perennis, 2004.
4) "Invocation of the Divine Name", Kalyana-Kalpataru, Vol. XXV, no.10, October 1961; published in the appendix to Prayer Fashions Man , pp. 187-188, World Wisdom, 2005.
5) "Travel Meditations", <>Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 12, Nos. 1& 2, Winter-Spring, 1978; partially published in the appendix to Prayer Fashion Man, World Wisdom, 2005.
6) "Quelques critiques", (de l’œuvre de René Guénon), in Les Dossiers H: "René Guénon", L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 1984; published as "René Guénon: some observations" in René Guénon: Some Obsertations, Sophia Perennis, 2004.
7) "Note sur René Guénon", in René Guénon, Les Cahiers de l’Herne, Paris, 1985; published as "René Guénon: a note" in René Guénon: Some Obsertations, Sophia Perennis, 2004.

Articles published in English books but not in French books

These articles were published in book form in English during the life of Frithjof Schuon, but were not published in book form in French during his life.

1) "Les vertus spirituelles selon Saint François d’Assise", Études Traditionnelles, April-May, 1953; published as "The Spiritual Virtues according to Saint Francis of Assisi" in Christianity/Islam, World Wisdom, 1985.
2) "Que peut donner l’Orient à l’Occident?", France-Asie (Saïgon), December, 1954; published as "What can the east offer to the west?" in Language of the Self , Ganesh, 1959.
3) "Normes et paradoxes dans l’alchimie initiatique", Connaissance des Religions, January-June, 1995; published as "Diverse Aspects of Initiatory Alchemy" in Eye of the Heart, World Wisdom, 1997.
4) "Le mystère des nombres", Connaissance des Religions, July-December, 1995; published as "Concerning Pythagorean Numbers" in Eye of the Heart, World Wisdom, 1997.
5) "Entre l’Orient et l’Occident", Connaissance des Religions, January-June, 1996; published as "Between East and West" in Eye of the Heart, World Wisdom, 1997.
6) "No Activity without Truth", Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 3, No, 4, Autumn, 1969; published in The Sword of Gnosis, Penguin, 1974.

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